Starcraft 2 Tutorials, tips & tricks

Posts tagged “Protoss

TvP – Protoss IMBA? What am I doing wrong?

Hey yooo.

I’ve been inactive due to my lack of ability to actually be online. Now that I am online you will see me back with more stuff as soon as I get around to it. So if you play SC2 and you actually play any ladder matches you will find that Protoss is the most played race as of right  now on the EU ladder. I had a run of 9 TvPs on ladder the other day. Seeing as it used to be my favorite matchup and my the one I would be most confident in I was stunned to notice that the better my opponents got at turteling and defending drops the worse I would do proportionate to the lack of damage dealt. It is sort of strange how I didn’t realize that my efficiency against Protoss was decreasing instead of one day waking up and just realizing that I got owned in every TvP I played! (more…)

How to prepare for a lesson – Basics to getting better

Hey again my 3 subscribers and random reader! 😀

I have been heavily preoccupied with work, school and my own practice as of late. Because of that I haven’t been able to make videos or blog posts. Surely you guys don’t think I have abandoned you, and you shouldn’t abandon me! I’ll tell it how it is: I am working so hard on my own skill and getting into master league that I haven’t been able to teach anybody (more…)

Scouting guide – Protoss

Welcome back. I am at work, doing work stuff… Oh, not actually doing work stuff,  but who cares? Except perhaps my colleagues and my boss… Ah well, if I get fired I’ll have more time for SC2, which would be awesome! So my top tip of the day: Get fired, get better! (more…)